Friday, 18 March 2016

The Story

Working on the Story;

So with my working prototype finished or at least the colouring bit working, and the Mark 2 Presentation only a week away I decided to start working on the story and how everything fitted together so I could go in and be able to show them how it is all going to work.

The Story or at least the start of it;

Welcome to Woogleton,
The town is known for its margical colours, friendly towns people and its marvolous cakes.

Woogleton may seem small, but that adds to its charm.  With its small size everyone in the town knows everyone, and if you ask anyone who has had the chance to visit, they would tell you it was full of friendly people alwyas willing to help.

But sadly not everyone in this town is friendly or happy to be here.  On the far side of town where the colours turn to greys and storms seem to rage, there is a house where one such person lives.

This is the house of Doctor Watzit, the mad doctor was born with the colour missing from his world and the town didn't understand.  His only friend was also from a world of grey.  Badar the Scary Moon, his only friend lighting up the night sky and removing all the colour from the land with its darkness.

This gave Doctor Watzit an idea.

He worked hard to creat a machine that when finished will change woogleton forever.  His machine will not only strip the colour from the land but for some places he will just change it.

"Mwhaha, it's finally finished, for all thos eyears I will finally show Woogleton what it's like to lose all colour."  Doctor Watzit said he pointed the ray at Ella's toy shop, "for you my sweet dear Ella, lets see how santa feels about you when all the red is removed."

He then followed suit by pointing it at Isla's Fruit and Vegatable shop, "Let's see how your shop does without its greens." Doctor Watzit said while laughing.  "And for you little Natalie, who will purchase your world famous cakes when all colour is taken from your bakery."

So with the base line for the story created I think I am ready for the Mark 2 Presentation

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